本文共 16569 字,大约阅读时间需要 55 分钟。
conn / as sysdba
SET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 511 long 3000
--在11g 操作系统创建迁移升级使用的目录host mkdir -p $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/perfspool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/perf/perf_test.log--创建要迁移的用户清单配置表CREATE TABLE DBA_OWNER.t_user_list( username VARCHAR2(30) primary key, flag varchar2(1), src_tbs VARCHAR2(30), dst_tbs VARCHAR2(30));create public synonym t_user_list for DBA_OWNER.t_user_list;
--在11g性能测试库中创建使用的dblink 特别注意:升级不同的库要修改using使用的连接串 同时演练的源库里的DBA_OWNER的密码要改为pass1234
create public database link dblink_migup connect to DBA_OWNER identified by pass1234 using '(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=xxxxxxxxx)(PORT=1534))(connect_data=(sid=testdb)))';--初始化用户清单配置表
INSERT INTO DBA_OWNER.t_user_list (username, flag, src_tbs,dst_tbs) SELECT username, 'Y', default_tablespace, default_tablespaceFROM dba_users@dblink_migup
WHERE username not in (select username from t_user_list)
spool off;
SET termout OFF feedback OFF verify OFF echo OFF heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 511 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/perf/01_11g_deal_tablespaces.sql--data tablespaceselect (casewhen rn = 1 then 'create smallfile tablespace ' || tablespace_name || ' logging datafile ' || (select ''''||substr(file_name, 1, instr(file_name, '/') - 1)||'''' from dba_data_files where rownum = 1) || ' size ' || msize || ' autoextend on'|| (case when rn=max_rn then ' ;' end) else ',' || (select ''''||substr(file_name, 1, instr(file_name, '/') - 1)||'''' from dba_data_files where rownum = 1) || ' size ' || msize || ' autoextend on'||(case when rn=max_rn then ' ;' end) end)
from (select sddf.tablespace_name,
trunc(sddf.bytes / 1024 / 1024) || 'M' msize, substr(sddf.file_name, 1, instr(sddf.file_name, '/') - 1), instr(sddf.file_name, '/') - 1, row_number() over(partition by sddf.tablespace_name order by file_id) rn, count(*) over(partition by sddf.tablespace_name) max_rn from dba_data_files@dblink_migup sddf where sddf.tablespace_name not in (select distinct ddf.tablespace_name from dba_data_files ddf) and sddf.tablespace_name not like 'UNDO%' order by tablespace_name, rn asc);
--temp tablespace
select (casewhen rn = 1 then 'create smallfile tablespace ' || tablespace_name || ' logging datafile ' || (select ''''||substr(file_name, 1, instr(file_name, '/') - 1)||'''' from dba_data_files where rownum = 1) || ' size ' || msize || ' autoextend on'|| (case when rn=max_rn then ' ;' end) else ',' || (select ''''||substr(file_name, 1, instr(file_name, '/') - 1)||'''' from dba_data_files where rownum = 1) || ' size ' || msize || ' autoextend on'||(case when rn=max_rn then ' ;' end) end)
from (select sddf.tablespace_name,
trunc(sddf.bytes / 1024 / 1024) || 'M' msize, substr(sddf.file_name, 1, instr(sddf.file_name, '/') - 1), instr(sddf.file_name, '/') - 1, row_number() over(partition by sddf.tablespace_name order by file_id) rn, count(*) over(partition by sddf.tablespace_name) max_rn from dba_temp_files@dblink_migup sddf where sddf.tablespace_name not in (select distinct ddf.tablespace_name from dba_temp_files ddf) and sddf.tablespace_name not like 'UNDO%' order by tablespace_name, rn asc);
select 'alter database tempfile '||''''||df.file_name||''''||' autoextend on;' from dba_temp_files df where df.autoextensible='NO';
select 'alter database datafile '||''''||df.file_name||''''||' autoextend on;' from dba_data_files df where df.autoextensible='NO' and df.tablespace_name like 'UNDO%';spool off;commit;SET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 511 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/perf/perf_test.log append@$HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/perf/01_11g_deal_tablespaces.sql--复核:11g表空间是否创建完整,正确结果为no rows selected
select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces@dblink_migupminus select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;--复核undo和temp表空间的自动扩展是否打开,正确结果为no rows selected
select df.tablespace_name,df.autoextensible from dba_temp_files df where df.autoextensible='NO';select df.tablespace_name,df.autoextensible from dba_data_files df where df.autoextensible='NO';spool off;commit;--在11g目标库中创建迁移角色
SET termout OFF feedback OFF verify OFF echo OFF heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 511 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/perf/01_11g_deal_role.sqlselect 'create role ' || role || ';' from (select rolefrom dba_roles@dblink_migup minus select role from dba_roles);
spool off;
commit;SET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 511 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/perf/perf_test.log append@$HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/perf/01_11g_deal_role.sql--复核11g目标库中角色是否创建完整,正确结果为no rows selectedselect role from dba_roles@dblink_migupminusselect role from dba_roles;spool off;commit;--------------------------------------------------------------111111111111111111111------------
SET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000--记录日志,创建迁移升级使用的目录host mkdir -p $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpthost mkdir -p $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/logspool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/end_perf_env_cfg.log--清除impdp导到sys用户下的jobDECLARE X NUMBER; BEGINfor cur in ( select * from dba_jobs j where j.log_user = 'SYS') loop SYS.DBMS_JOB.remove(job => cur.job );COMMIT; end loop ;commit;END;/--复核Job个数,对于导出导入,正确结果为no rows selected
select * from dba_jobs ; spool off;--修改以SYS命名的index和constraint。
SET termout OFF feedback OFF verify OFF echo OFF heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 1000 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/alter_index_rename.sqlSELECT DISTINCT 'alter index ' || A.sos_owner || '.' || A.new_name ||' rename to ' || A.old_name || ';' FROM (select tar.index_owner sos_owner,tar.index_name new_name, sos.index_name old_name, sos.table_name, sos.column_name, sos.column_position from dba_ind_columns tar, dba_ind_columns@dblink_migup sos where sos.index_owner = tar.index_owner and sos.table_owner = tar.table_owner and sos.table_name = tar.table_name and sos.column_name = tar.column_name and sos.column_position = tar.column_position and sos.column_length = tar.column_length and tar.table_owner in (select username from migupd.t_user_list) and tar.table_owner not in('APPMGR','dba_owner','DBQUA','DMLBAK') and tar.index_NAME like 'SYS_C%' and sos.index_NAME like 'SYS_C%' and tar.index_name <> sos.index_name order by 1, 2, 6, 5) A;
spool off;
commit;SET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 1000 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/end_perf_env_cfg.log append@$HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/alter_index_rename.sqlspool off;commit;-- audit user
SET termout OFF feedback OFF verify OFF echo OFF heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/audit_users.sqlSELECT 'audit connect by '||user_name||';' FROM dba_stmt_audit_opts@dblink_migup WHERE audit_option = 'CREATE SESSION' and user_name in ( select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='Y' or flag is null ) and user_name is not null;SELECT 'audit '||audit_option||' by '||user_name||' by session whenever successful;' FROM dba_stmt_audit_opts@dblink_migup WHERE audit_option <> 'CREATE SESSION' and user_name in ( select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='Y' or flag is null ) and user_name is not null;SPOOL OFF;commit;--exec grant role priv scriptSET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/end_perf_env_cfg.log append@$HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/audit_users.sqlcommit;SPOOL OFF;--创建迁移用户的公共同义词
SET termout OFF feedback OFF verify OFF echo OFF heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/create_public_synonym.sqlSELECT 'create or replace public synonym '||synonym_name||' for '||table_owner||'.'||table_name||';' FROM dba_synonyms@dblink_migup WHERE owner = 'PUBLIC' AND table_owner IN ( select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='Y' or flag is null ) ;spool off;commit;SET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/end_perf_env_cfg.log append@$HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/create_public_synonym.sqlspool off;commit;--grant role priv
-- generate grant role priv scriptSET termout OFF feedback OFF verify OFF echo OFF heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/grant_role_priv.sql--SELECT 'spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/grant_role_priv.log' FROM dual;SELECT 'grant ' || granted_role || ' to ' || grantee || CASE admin_optionWHEN 'YES' THEN ' with admin option;' ELSE ';' END
FROM dba_role_privs@dblink_migup
WHERE grantee IN( select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='Y' or flag is null union select distinct granted_role from dba_role_privs@dblink_migup WHERE grantee IN (select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag = 'Y' or flag is null) and granted_role like 'R\\_%' escape '\\') ;
--SELECT 'spool off;' FROM dual;
SPOOL OFF;commit;--exec grant role priv scriptSET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/end_perf_env_cfg.log append@$HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/grant_role_priv.sqlcommit;SPOOL OFF;--grant sys priv
-- generate grant sys priv scriptSET termout OFF feedback OFF verify OFF echo OFF heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/grant_sys_priv.sql--SELECT 'spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/grant_sys_priv.log' FROM dual;SELECT 'grant '||privilege||' to '||grantee||CASE admin_option WHEN 'YES' THEN ' with admin option;' ELSE ';' END
FROM dba_sys_privs@dblink_migup
WHERE grantee IN( select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='Y' or flag is null union select distinct granted_role from dba_role_privs@dblink_migup WHERE grantee IN (select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag = 'Y' or flag is null) and granted_role like 'R\\_%' escape '\\') ;
'grant '||privilege||' to '||grantee||CASE admin_option WHEN 'YES' THEN ' with admin option;' ELSE ';' END
FROM dba_sys_privs@dblink_migup
WHERE grantee IN (SELECT role FROM dba_roles WHERE password_required <> 'NO' AND ROLE LIKE 'R\_%' ESCAPE '\');--SELECT 'spool off;' FROM dual;SPOOL OFF;commit;--exec grant sys priv scriptSET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/end_perf_env_cfg.log append@$HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/grant_sys_priv.sqlcommit;SPOOL OFF;-- if 9i upto 11g ,should deal connect role
--grant sys tab priv
-- generate grant sys tab priv scriptSET termout OFF feedback OFF verify OFF echo OFF heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/grant_sys_tab_priv.sql--SELECT 'spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/grant_sys_tab_priv.log' FROM dual;SELECT 'grant '||privilege||' on '||CASE WHEN substr(table_name,1,2)='V$' THEN 'V_$'||substr(table_name,3,length(table_name-2)) ELSE table_name END||' to '||grantee||CASE grantable WHEN 'YES' THEN ' with grant option;' ELSE ';' END
FROM dba_tab_privs@dblink_migup
WHERE grantee IN( select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='Y' or flag is null union select distinct granted_role from dba_role_privs@dblink_migup WHERE grantee IN (select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag = 'Y' or flag is null) and granted_role like 'R\\_%' escape '\\') AND owner = 'SYS'and table_name not in ( 'ORA_TEMP_1_DS_8865' ,'UTL_CON') AND privilege NOT IN ('READ','WRITE');
'grant '||privilege||' on directory '||table_name||' to '||grantee||CASE grantable WHEN 'YES' THEN ' with grant option;' ELSE ';' END
FROM dba_tab_privs@dblink_migup
WHERE grantee IN( select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='Y' or flag is null union select distinct granted_role from dba_role_privs@dblink_migup WHERE grantee IN (select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag = 'Y' or flag is null) and granted_role like 'R\\_%' escape '\\') AND owner = 'SYS'AND privilege IN ('READ', 'WRITE')AND table_name not in (
'GL_DIR','Q_ALERT_LOG_EOA_LOC','QUEST_SOO_BDUMP_DIR','QUEST_SOO_CDUMP_DIR','QUEST_SOO_UDUMP_DIR','EOA_NDB_DIR','EXPDP_DIR','EXPDP_CSB','DIR_GGSERR_LOG' );--SELECT 'spool off;' FROM dual;SPOOL OFF;commit;--exec grant sys tab priv scriptSET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/end_perf_env_cfg.log append@$HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/grant_sys_tab_priv.sqlcommit;SPOOL OFF;-- grant non-sys tab priv
-- generate grant non-sys tab priv scriptSET termout OFF feedback OFF verify OFF echo OFF heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/grant_tab_priv.sql--SELECT 'spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/grant_tab_priv.log' FROM dual;SELECT 'grant '||privilege||' on '||owner||'.'||table_name||' to '||grantee||CASE grantable WHEN 'YES' THEN ' with grant option;' ELSE ';' END
FROM dba_tab_privs@dblink_migup
WHERE grantee IN( select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='Y' or flag is null union select distinct granted_role from dba_role_privs@dblink_migup WHERE grantee IN (select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag = 'Y' or flag is null) and granted_role like 'R\\_%' escape '\\') and owner not in (select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='N' ) AND owner <> 'SYS'AND privilege NOT IN ('READ','WRITE');
'grant '||privilege||' on directory '||owner||'.'||table_name||' to '||grantee||CASE grantable WHEN 'YES' THEN ' with grant option;' ELSE ';' END
FROM dba_tab_privs@dblink_migup
WHERE grantee IN( select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='Y' or flag is null union select distinct granted_role from dba_role_privs@dblink_migup WHERE grantee IN (select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag = 'Y' or flag is null) and granted_role like 'R\\_%' escape '\\') AND owner <> 'SYS'and owner not in (select username from migupd.t_user_list t where flag ='N' ) AND privilege IN ('READ', 'WRITE')AND table_name not in (
'GL_DIR','Q_ALERT_LOG_EOA_LOC','QUEST_SOO_BDUMP_DIR','QUEST_SOO_CDUMP_DIR','QUEST_SOO_UDUMP_DIR','EOA_NDB_DIR','EXPDP_DIR','EXPDP_CSB','DIR_GGSERR_LOG' );--SELECT 'spool off;' FROM dual;SPOOL OFF;commit;--exec grant non-sys tab priv scriptSET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/end_perf_env_cfg.log append@$HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/scrpt/grant_tab_priv.sqlcommit;SPOOL OFF;SET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000
spool $HOME/$ORACLE_SID/migup/uping/log/end_perf_env_cfg.log append--开始编译失效对象SET termout OFF feedback OFF verify OFF echo OFF heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000--编译失效对象@?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql;@?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql;SET termout on feedback on verify OFF echo on heading OFF trims ON escape ON pages 0 linesize 999 long 3000--已完成编译失效对象SPOOL OFF;转载地址:http://vbfsa.baihongyu.com/